Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints
Indoor Wall Canvas Prints

Canvases - mounted to either 25mm wooden frame; or a 45mm wooden frame. Premium Quality. Full details below

Large Mounted Indoor Wall Canvas Prints

Item number:

    Price EX VAT: £55 Was £55
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    Canvas Prints, wrapped over a Pine wooden frame.

    • High Quality Canvas prints from your supplied images, stretched over a FSC approved pinewood frame
    Frame options : 25mm or 45mm - Note, the bigger sizes are only available using the 45mm wooden frame.
    Bring your photographs and images to life with large canvas prints. Our large format custom made canvases will create a striking aesthetic on any wall, in your home or office. Make a statement with your abstract artwork or create a vision with your photography by designing large prints from digital photos; Our canvases are available up to a massive 200cm x 150cm.
    • Combined with a heavy woven canvas with a grain texture, this creates incredible high quality large canvas prints, complete with vibrant colours and sharp detail.
    Artwork - Should be supplied as a high resolution JPEG or PDF, sized including the 25mm or 45mm extra overhang on all edges. Images should be left as RGB.
    Production Timings : despatched around 4-7 working days from approval of our PDF proofs

    Any questions, please email us and we will reply.

    Free* Mainland UK Delivery for all combined orders over £75 +VAT.  A delivery charge of £8.75 +VAT will apply to orders below £75 +VAT.
    VAT : All prices exclude UK VAT which will be added at the current UK rate at checkout stage. Premium printed in the UK.

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